Since 2011 beside entrepreneurs, by vocation


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Pro Bono activities of Iusgate

This year Iusgate, in the case of pro bono activities, invites its customers to make a donation to the Piccole Sorelle dei Poveri (Little Sisters of the Poor).

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The processing of employees’ biometric data carried out by a public administrative authority for the purpose of verifying their attendance declared unlawful by the Italian Supervisory Authority.

The Italian Supervisory Authority (“Garante”) imposed a fine of € 30.000 on a public administrative authority (“PA”) for unlawful processing of its employees’ biometric data.


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2023: odissea nell'AI act, viaggio alla scoperta della normativa

Monday 27 November 2023

Inizia la collaborazione con una grande esperta di diritto e nuove tecnologie. Si parla, oggi, di Intelligenza artificiale e della sua intricata normativa

Laura Lecchi

PIVA IT02230331205

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